Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Cards

In 2003 Janisen was 5 and this was the first card we made. She drew the donkey, I drew Joseph and Niki drew Mary and the Christ child. Obviously this setting is post-birth of Jesus. Not the exact account of Joseph and Mary traveling to their birthplace to be taxed; but it worked for us nonetheless.

This first card of ours was such a smash hit with family, friends, and my coworkers that teir reaction inspired us to continue to make more and enough to share with others.

All I remember specifically about this card was that Kason drew the dinosaur on the bottom right corner on the picture. In 2004 made him 4 yearts old (his age is easy to keep track of) and he really liked dinosaurs at that time.
In 2005 Niki, Janisen, Kason and I drew ourselves as snowmen caroling in Houston.

Here we were as snowbirds in 2006. Breelahn was born that year and you see her in my wings. in the background you see actual pictures of my parents (left) and Niki's parents (right) converted as snowbirds themselves. My mother called us right after receiving this card via email and laughed hysterically.
Well, in 2007 we were all trees revering the Christ child.

Here's 2008 and there's snow!!! Well, at least in this card as opposed to reality in Houston. Come to think of it I think it did snow in 2009 in Houston. Regardless, I'm drawing a blank as to who drew what. Perhaps an update in the future will explain.

2009 was probably the most detailed Christmas card we made. Neat but it was lots of work, especially for Niki. Still, this is probably my favorite of all cards.

Now we're at this year's 2010 card. See HERE for details.

We look forward to creating these Christmas cards every year. Typically we begin around the end of October or early in November. We finish around the week before Christmas. By "we" I mean that while we all contribute to the end picture it is still Niki that does the final editting, background, and coloring of each card. Without her work and efforts I don't think these card would turn out as good as they do.
Merry Christmas and God bless.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Card

We have a great time creating our own homemade Christmas cards. We pick a different theme every year and this time it's creatures. Niki drew herself as a dragon (notice her accidentally burning a hole through the song book), I am the eagle on the branch above, Janisen is the white cat, Kason the turtle on the right with a Santa hat, Rhuelin, whole loves to copy his older brother, is the turtle on the left and Breelahn is the unicorn. We are all caroling and since this is somewhat of a fantasy theme, it's only appropriate for our family to say: Caroling you a "fantastic" Christmas.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

On 9/11/01

When I returned home from work that day I asked my wife, Niki, about whether or not she had heard of the plane attack upon the Twin Towers. She acknowledged that she had but didn't say mch about it at all. Her main reaction was to sketch on a piece of paper using her Prismcolor colored pencils. After sketching for hours both on 9/11 and 9/12, the above product resulted.

To be sure, the written message says, "They only scratched the surface and they're killing me." Does it reflect pain? Darkness? Despair? How about bondage? Being trapped? These were Niki's emotions running through her on 9/11 nine years to this day. I think it reflects what many Americans felt that day. It is an event to always remember.

Post 9/11 unity and rebuilding is to always remember as well. Pitty we have not rebuilt the nation 9/11 site (Ground Zero) nearly as much as we should. Bickering about what race to use to memorialize the heroes of 9/11. Having a prominent politician hold up a news paper whose article title "Bush Knew" was printed in very large and bold font didn't help matters either. But truth be told, on the grassroots level, many travelled to New York City to lend a helping hand. Many donated time, money, and labor to those affected directly by the 9/11 attacks. God bless them all and God bless America.

One thing obvious to me regarding 9/11 is that man should not place his absolute faith in man. This includes government and politicians. Yes, people should be active in both government and politics but ones' faith is far better served by placing it in God and godliness, or rather, the things of God. Family is indeed from God. Spend time with your spouse. Spend time with your kids both collectively and individually. Hug all of them. Pray with them. Study God's word with them. Sing with them. Go outside with them. Read good books with them.

Niki's moved passed her depressive despair on 9/11 and I hope and pray that all may as well. May we all be blessed with God's love and comfort. May we be God's instruments in furthering His will and works. Let's be good to others. Let's uplift and inspire others. Let's get rid of our own demons and seek peace and comfort for all. Here lays true hope and which hope coming from God, it will weather all social and political storms.